Shaw industries, a giant carpet manufacturer, increases its control over raw materials by producing much of its own polypropylene fiber, a key input into its manufacturing process. You merely upload multiple files to the site and then click merge or similar word, and you should then be sent a link to find your combined pdf document. Download it once and read it on your kindle device, pc, phones or tablets. Secondary raw materials are defined as materials produced from other sources other than primary. Since the beginning of the 20th century, the types and. Raw materials procurement planning models with applications a thesis in. Merge technologies for multifunctional lightweight structures. New information system on raw materials launched in eu. The communication was delayed because of france and germany having different expectations of the initiative.
In this context, the raw materials initiative was launched by the european commission in 2008, with a focus on nonenergy and nonagricultural raw materials ec 2008. These points are best to achieved through integrated and advance production methods. The present paper is an attempt to take stock of how individual core elements of the raw materials. We have an opportunity and responsibility to include prioritized raw materials in our responsible sourcing strategies. The msa study is currently being expanded by dg grow and dg jrc.
They are used in applications where they bring technical, economic or other advantages. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading raw materials. This fact sheet quantifies the amounts of those materials other than food and fuel that. Pdf substitutionability of critical raw materials researchgate. Prosum prospecting secondary raw materials in the urban mine. Pdf the eu raw materials initiative scope and critical. Although there is little evidence of physical shortage of raw. Dell technologies encompasses dell, dell emc, pivotal, rsa, secureworks, virtustream and vmware. The new raw turns plastic waste into valuable raw material. The raw m aterials initiative was put forward in 2008 to tackle the challenges related to. Report 022017 strategic dialogue on sustainable raw materials.
The european commissions ec raw materials initiative rmi emphasises that raw. Securing reliable and undistorted access to raw materials is increasingly becoming an important factor for the eus competitiveness and, hence, crucial to the success of the lisbon partnership for growth and jobs. In the eu, there are at least 30 million jobs depending on the availability of raw materials. Annex 1 mineral raw materials value chain in eu27 2005. In order to contribute to the aims of the raw materials initiative and in line with. In 2008, the commission adopted the raw materials initiative which set out a strategy for tackling the issue of access to raw materials in the eu. Strategic raw materials are indispensable for a sustainable worldwide access to energy, information, and new forms of mobility. Pdf a framework for raw materials management in process.
Raw materials policy acting sustainably and responsibly towards society and future generations is an integral part of how we do business. The responsible raw materials initiative rrmi seeks to promote the common goal of understanding and contributing to mitigating the salient social and environmental impacts of extraction and processing of raw materials in supply chains, leveraging direct and indirect partnerships and using international standards as our guideposts. The ec communication the raw materials initiative meeting our critical needs for growth and jobs in europe ec 2008 is commonly known as raw material s initiative rmi. Eurometauxs proposals for the raw materials initiative 2 1. Improving framework conditions for extracting minerals for the eu, 2010. Section 4 report profile learn about our application of the global reporting initiative reporting framework.
We will put you in touch with a representative that will be able to answer all of your questions. It gives a detailed analysis of the current raw material supply and use situation in austria as well as other eu countries. Strategies for using renewable materials and the recyclability of multimaterialsys tems are also part of the research activities. Transportation refers to the movement of goods and material from one place to.
Vci position paper chances and limitations for the use of. Such efforts include the eu raw materials initiative, european innovation partnership on raw materials, us critical materials institute, and others. An introduction, explaining the scope and objective of this report section 1, information about the nonferrous metals industry in general section 2, crossreference to eurometauxs activities relative to trade distortions section 3. Use of raw materials in the united states from 1900 through 2010. The eu raw materials initiative and effects upon resource. Key words eu raw materials policy, sustainability, environmental performance, water use, water pollution the eu raw materials policy following the 2008 raw materials initiative rmi ec, 2008, the european commission ec is committed to promoting the competitiveness of industries related to raw materials and securing their undistorted supply. The eu raw materials initiative has led, through the european innovation partnership eip, to the definition. The list of critical raw materials for the eu is a central element of this initiative. The supply situation in europe ranging from selfsufficiency to high import dependence the eu is selfsufficient in construction minerals, in particular aggregates, and is a major world producer of gypsum and natural stone. Strategic raw materials and sustainable development. It was further developed by the communication tackling the. Its vision is to develop raw materials into a major strength for europe. Securing reliable and undistorted access to raw materials is increasingly becoming an important factor for the eus competitiveness and, hence, crucial to. The european commissions actions to ensure a sustainable supply of these materials can be divided into 2 interlinked parts.
This communication follows the communication of 24 june 201 on the implementation of the raw materials initiative. Joining of copper to aluminium by electromagnetic fields. Document viewer the document doesnt have a viewable format. Policy processes eu raw materials initiative africa african mining vision nordic countries finland, sweden japan, usa etc. History and strategic raw materials initiative department. It combines the results of several research programmes and activities of the jrc on critical raw materials in a context of circular economy, for which a large team has contributed in terms of data and knowledge developments. The raw materials initiative meeting our critical needs for growth and jobs in europe. In order to promote sustainable production by using secondary raw material from existing material stocks, complementary to primary raw material, information about the future availability of secondary resources constitutes a prerequisite. Section 2 four pillars learn about what we do and what sets us apart. Raw materials initiative only in the interest of big business irish mep paul murphy of the european united left group gue is a member of the committee on international trade inta, one of the committees, which commented on the eus latest raw materials initiative.
Marek walczuk senior sales specialist brussels, belgium 6th november 2017 eu row materials week. Raw materials definition and meaning collins english dictionary. The ec raw materials system analysis msa was carried out in 2015 for 28 materials. Vci position paper chances and limitations for the use of renewable raw materials in the chemical industry core statements renewable raw materials have been established for a long time in the chemical industry. Analysis of the eu raw materials initiative heinrich. Revised methodology, based on criteria, priority data and information over the last 5. In 2008 the commission proposed to launch the european raw materials initiative 1 rmi, which is an integrated strategy in response to the different challenges related to access to nonenergy raw materials, based on 3 pillars. Raw materials initiative responsible or irresponsible. Raw materials are materials that have not been processed. The german raw material strategy heinrich boll foundation. Factsheets 2017 download the full set of 2017 critical raw materials factsheets for critical raw materials noncritical raw materials. Initiative for food manufacturers and raw material.
Mongolia imposes export duties on raw materials but as a condition of joining the. It presents the new list of critical raw materials and provides, in the conclusions, an overview of the upcoming activities related to the raw materials initiative, the european innovation partnership on raw materials and the part of. It also tries to facilitate the sustainable supply of raw materials. We develop, manufacture and marketing our consumer products in accordance with principles that ensure their safety and promote wellbeing, that do not endanger the environment and that.
It represents a jrc contribution to the raw material initiative and to the eu circular economy action plan. Msa methodology welcome to the project website for the study on data inventory for a raw material system analysis msa. Eu critical raw materials in the circular economy and. With more than 380 member companies, the responsible minerals initiative is one of the most utilized and respected resources for companies from a range of industries addressing responsible mineral sourcing issues in their supply chains we provide companies with tools and resources to make sourcing decisions that improve regulatory compliance and support responsible sourcing.
Analysis of the eu raw material initiative, heinrich boll. Earlier, in 2008, a communication of the ropean commission eu on raw materials had been already published, again heeding calls by germanys industry associations. Its mission is to enable sustainable competitiveness of the european minerals, metals and materials sector along the value chain by driving innovation, education and entrepreneurship. The raw materials initiative outlined an integrated strategy to ensure sufficient market access to raw materials at fair and undistorted price and on nondiscriminatory terms. Based on this iniative, the new european innovation partnership eip on raw materials, gathers many different players, from member states authorities, industry, research organisations and initiatives, and civil society to develop the. Primary raw material secondary raw material primary raw materials are virgin materials, natural inorganic or organic substance, such as metallic ores, industrial minerals, construction materials or energy fuels, used for the first time. Sustainability evaluation of essential critical raw.
You will be able to enter your raw materialsraw materialsraw materials and manage your inventory inventoryinventory and orders ordersorders in one screen. You can combine multiple files into one pdf without acrobat using online service software sites such as pdf joiner or i love pdf. Polish contribution to the eu raw materials initiative. Raw materials initiative only in the interest of big. The following principles nestle desires when sourcing raw materials. The possible merger between bhp billiton and rio tinto is currently under investigation by the european. The wg has issued an english version of the source marking guideline for raw materials as a part of this effort 1. Developing new innovative technology and high tech solutions. Raw materials are essential for the sustainable functioning of all societies, equally so for the eu. Pdf report on the current use of critical raw materials. The raw materials initiative meeting our critical needs for growth and jobs in europe com 2008 699 final tackling the challenges in commodity markets and on raw materials com 2011 25 final 3. The msa study investigates the flows of materials through the eu economy in terms of entry into the eu, flows. The raw materials initiative the raw materials initiative, launched in 2008 by the european commission, stressed the eus dependence on strategically important raw materials such as hightech metals like cobalt, platinum, rare earths and titanium as well as other raw materials, such as wood, chemicals, hides and skins. Combine multiple files into one pdf without acrobat.
Raw materials following the raw materials initiative, on 2 february 2011 the european commission adopted a strategy document which sets out targeted measures to secure and improve access to raw materials for the eu. Developing new innovative technology and high tech. They are in the form in which they are found in nature without any thing done to them. The raw materials strategy and the raw materials plan have the objective to ensure a sustainable supply of raw materials to the industry. The sections on eu business behind the raw materials initiative draws on. Grow c2entr g3 eu raw materials policy eu raw materials initiative aim. This strategy document reinforces the three pillars approach. In a bid to transform the plastic waste into a more valuable raw material, a team of creatives launched the new raw, an initiative and handson workshop that seeks to provide a sustainable. History and strategic raw materials initiative hsrmi was founded in 2012 by andrew perchard, espen storli and mats ingulstad in order to promote research into the political economy of strategic raw materials. Raw materials management consulting professional raw materials management ensures price reliability, cost reduction and a significant competitive advantage in raw materials procurement exchange rate fluctuations, political crises, trade restrictions and many other external influences can complicate the efficient and costeffective procurement. The eu raw materials initiative research and innovation in view of critical raw materials for the eu rare metals as bottlenecks in the supply chain of lowcarbon energy technologies brussels, 16december 2010 european commission enterprise and industry antje wittenberg metals, minerals, raw materials.
About 25% of the most research intensive firms in the world belong to the process industries, so proper management of raw materials is a key concern for many firms. The raw materials initiative rmi aims at providing the framework conditions to establish an integrated strategy to face the challenges related to the access to nonenergy and nonagricultural raw materials. As a multiindustry initiative, we acknowledge the challenges of achieving a state where industry can collectively understand and agree to its part in advancing responsible sourcing. Analysis of the eu raw materials initiative heinrich boll. Section 3 managing sustainability understand our approach to reporting and managing susaint abiliyt issues.
Raw material simple english wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Policy and strategy for raw materials internal market. Pdf the european parliament has adopted a resolution that proposes focusing research and development on the substitution of critical raw materials to. Inventory is the goods and materials held available in stock by a business. The eu raw materials initiative content and implementation securing access to raw materials plays an important role in eu growth strategies. Raw materials availability new sources and synthesis paths independence of mineral oil reduction of co2foot print environmental acceptable emobility impact on the industrial and automotive application new requirements for lubricants, e. Raw materialsraw materials the raw materialraw materialraw material section of win winwinf fffashionashionashion allows you to manage the raw materials in a flexible and efficient manner. This will be achieved through calls designed and developed specifically for the nonenergy, nonagricultural raw materials sector. Eit rawmaterials is the largest consortium in the raw materials sector worldwide. Improving framework conditions for extracting minerals for. Guidelines for coprocessing fuels and raw materials in.
Pdf description of raw materials for manufacturing. Optimizing quality of information in raw material data collection. The use of secondary raw materials and recycling was recommended to the european commission as a strategy to improve resource efficiency and reduce and alleviate the supply risks facing critical raw materials crms com 2010a. Mar 16, 2015 european commission, joint research centre jrc.
Ensure access to raw materials from international markets under the same conditions as other industrial competitors and encourage capacity building in developing countries. Raw materials initiative putting strategy in practice. This guideline defines standard data items to be shown on raw materials and the recommended. Main parameters and principal characterization techniques. Fair and sustainable supply of raw materials from global markets exchange of good practice between eu member states enhancing eu knowledge base promoting research and skills 2. The raw materials initiative integrated strategy based on three pillars right framework conditions within the eu in order to foster sustainable supply from european sources ensuring access to raw materials from international markets under the same conditions as other industrial competitors boosting resource efficiency and recycling to reduce. Responsible raw materials initiative rrmi, cosponsored by the electronic industry citizenship coalition eicc and the conflictfree sourcing initiative cfsi, was launched in november 2016 to promote the common goal of understanding and contributing to mitigating the salient social and. The european commissions ec raw materials initiative rmi emphasises that raw materials are. Dfats interventions commonly combine development initiatives with trade. If you are not in the style or raw materistyle or raw materialsstyle or raw materials window, click on the styles als styles iconstyles icon for styles or the raw materials icon icon for raw materials.
Following the publication of the communication on the raw materials initiative meeting our critical needs for growth and jobs in europe com2008699 in november 2008, the commission noted that it would, within two years, report to the council on progress made in implementing the rmi see commodity markets and raw materials. Raw materials cost reduction raw materials management. Considering a variety of global and regional factors, however, these materials can bear a high supply risk. In this study, a dynamic material flow model of historic aluminium al flows in austria is combined with forecasts on future al. The raw materials initiative 2008 focused on improving internal and. On february 2nd, 2011, an update on the raw materials initiative titled tackling the challenges in commodity markets and on raw materials was presented to the public. Consumers of raw materials and processed minerals include intrabranch consumption.
Securing reliable and unhindered access to raw materials is important for the eu. Materials and design we have been tracking the materials used in our packaging for many years, and have already achieved a 31% reduction in packaging weight per unit sold since 2007. Multiaddmultiadd allows you to add a colorcolors from a lis t to a particular style raw material. Eu raw materials information system and raw materials. The eu raw materials initiative scope and critical. Fair and sustainable supply of raw materials from global markets. The study was carried out for the european commission dg grow in the context of the eu raw materials initiative. In 2008, the european commission presented its raw materials strategy rmi and has since then worked to implement it. Eu addressed these challenges in the eu raw materials policy and strategy called raw materials initiative. Raw materials are materials that are in their natural state, before they are processed or. We used the same method to evaluate supply as the british geological survey bgs in its risk list.
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